Markdown:Getting Started Guide

Markdown is a lightweight “markup language” with many advantages, and it is currently widely used by more and more writing enthusiasts and writers. Please do not be confused by “tags” or “language” when you see this, as Markdown’s syntax is very simple. There are no more than ten commonly used markup symbols. Compared to more complex HTML markup languages, Markdown is very lightweight and does not require much learning cost. Once familiar with this grammar rule, it will have a permanent effect.

Get to know Markdown

Markdown is a lightweight “markup language” used for writing, which replaces typesetting with concise syntax, unlike the typical word processing software Word or Pages which has a lot of formatting and font settings. It allows us to focus on coding, using “marking” syntax to replace common formatting. For example, the content, format, and even illustrations of this article can be easily handled by the keyboard. Currently, there are many editors that support Markdown syntax, including many websites that also support Markdown text input. Markdown allows you to export your resume in any format you want, from writing to completion. You can export HTML files for website publishing, or easily export them in PDF format. This format of resume writing is more appealing to HR. You can even use CloudApp, a cloud service tool, to directly upload your articles to a webpage for sharing.

The advantages of using Markdown

  • Focus on your text content instead of formatting, and write with peace of mind.
  • Easily export HTML, PDF, and native. md files.
  • Pure text content, compatible with all text editors and word processing software.
  • Modify your article version at any time, without the need for word processing software to generate multiple file versions and cause confusion.
  • Readability, intuitive, and low learning cost.

Misunderstandings of using Markdown

Markdown aims to be concise and efficient, and due to its readability and ease of writing, people have implemented multiple versions of parsers and generators in different programming languages. This has led to different Markdown tools integrating different functions (basic functions are roughly the same), such as flow and timing diagrams, complex tables and complex formulas. Although the richness of functions does not have any essential drawbacks, But ultimately, it deviates from the original intention, and the writing process is very laborious. It is more efficient to use professional tools to write, so if you need to implement complex functions, professional graphical interface tools will be more convenient. Of course, if you are pleased with the advanced features brought by customizing Markdown for these different clients, it is understandable.